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Boone County Sheriff's Reserve Deputy Association



The Boone County Sheriff's Reserve Deputy Association is a fully registered 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation organized under the laws of the State of Arkansas. As such, the Reserve Association can accept charitable donations which are tax deductible.

The Reserves consist of members that volunteer over 5800 hours a year to honor their Mission Statement ".... volunteer our efforts and resources exclusively for the enrichment of Boone County Sheriff's Department." The time that they volunteer frees up Deputies and Investigators to devote their efforts for crime fighting in Boone County.

Reserves spend 110 hours in classroom study and training so they are well prepared to meet any situation required of them. The current Reserves have a multi-colored background of law enforcement, military service, farmers, truck drivers, magicians, martial arts directors, businessmen and every walk of life. This rich background adds many dimensions to their service.

Some activities the Reserves regularly engage in:

  • Promote public relations with law enforcement in their community.
  • Fingerprint children and provide parents with a Child Identification Kit at the District Fair, Health Fair and other events in the County.
  • Provide security and patrol at school functions, county functions, and any event where extra security is required.
  • Transport inmates to and from prisons over the state, to and from outside appointments such as doctors and dentists.
  • Purchase equipment as funds allow for the safety and enrichment of Deputies and Detectives at the Sheriff's Dept.
  • They are members of the Boone County Search and Rescue Squad.

Boone County Sheriff's Department is very proud of their Reserve force. If you see one of them be sure to offer a word of thanks and encouragement.



Larry Gilliam


Suzette Howerton

IMG_0119.JPGGeorge White

Daniel Bolen.JPG

Daniel Bolen




Child ID Kit







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